Teeth Whitening

Whiter teeth and a brighter smile! Our in-home teeth whitening solution will make you smile that much more.
Why Whiten?
Teeth whitening can enhance the appearance of teeth by removing stains and discoloration. Many individuals desire a brighter smile, as it is often associated with youthfulness, attractiveness, and good oral hygiene. Whiter teeth can boost self-confidence and improve one’s overall appearance.
Have a special occasion coming up? People often opt for teeth whitening before special events such as weddings, graduations, job interviews, or important social gatherings. They want to look their best and feel confident when smiling or interacting with others during these occasions.
Teeth whitening can even help reverse natural discoloration for individuals who have naturally darker or yellowish teeth due to genetics or certain medical conditions.
If you’ve been unable to bleach your teeth due to sensitivity or have been disappointed with results in the past, it’s time you take another look at teeth whitening. We offer an at-home solution that’s safe and effective using custom-fit whitening trays with supplies and instructions.
Whiten your teeth in the privacy of your own home – whenever it’s convenient. You’ll see dazzling results in just 1-14 days.
If you’re interested in improving your smile and boosting your confidence, contact the dental team at White Pine Family Dentistry. Call to schedule your appointment at 905-575-4404 or request an appointment using the form below.